Heinkel He-162 Database

Heinkel He-162 types:

He 162 A-0 — First ten prototypes + pre-production aircraft. (M1/V1 till M10/V10)
He 162 A-1 — Armed with two 30 mm (1.18 in) MK 108 cannons with 50 rounds per gun.
He 162 A-2 — Armed with two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons with 120 rounds per gun.
He 162 A-3 — Proposed upgrade with reinforced nose mounting twin 30 mm MK 108 cannons.
He 162 A-8 — Proposed upgrade with Jumo 004D-4 engine of 10.3 kN (2,300 lb).
He 162 B-1 — Proposed upgrade with Heinkel HeS 011A turbojet 12 kN (2,700 lb).
He 162 C — Proposed upgrade, HeS 011A engine, swept-back wings, V-tail.
He 162 D — Proposed upgrade similar to C-series but dihedraled forward-swept wing.
He 162 E — Proposed upgrade with the BMW 003R + BMW 718 liquid-fuel rocket engine.
He 162 S — Two-seat training glider version.

Heinkel He-162 production deliveries :

200001-200010 (10) Heinkel Vienna Schwechat from December 1944. Later 'Languste' plant.
220001-220100 (100) Heinkel Hinterbruhl from January 1945. About 30+ really delivered.
120001-120100 (100) Rostock EHAC Marienehe Line-1 from January 1945.
120221-120240 (20) Rostock Marienehe Line-2 from April 1945.
300001-300027 (27) Junckers Bernburg, from March 1945.
310001-310018 (18) Junckers Bernburg, from March/April 1945.


Wnr Type History
200001 A-0 VI+IA/M1 (V1) – First prototype A-1 version – Start build 25-10-1944, completed 6-12-1944, f/f 6-12-1944 with Flugkpt Gotthold Peter, straight wingtips. Crashed 10-12-1944 during a official demonstration at Schwechat after desintegration of the aircraft. Pilot Fl.Kpt Dipl.ing Gotthold Peter was killed. Note: Aircraft never carried assigned markings “VI+IA”.
200002 A-0 VI+IB/M2 (V2) – Prototype A-1 version. F/f Rechlin 22-12-1944 by Heinkel’s Director Carl Francke (successful), straight wingtips. 2nd flight 22-12-1944 by pilot Paul Bader. Further flight restrictions : being ordered that ailerons and rudders only be moved to half deflection. Test aircraft to test take-off & landing characteristics, rudder stability and later also the two MK 108 cannons.
200003 A-0 VI+IC/M3 (V3) – A-1 prototype. F/f Heidfeld 20-12-1944 with FSi Paul Brader. First aircraft modified with downward canted wingtips for stability improvements, f/f after modification 16-1-1945 with Lt. Huldreich Kremnitz. The 10th flight made 22-1-1945, with in total 80 minutes clocked, sadly ended in an accident. It was slightly damaged when it collapsed onto its port wing during landing. Oberst. Gordon Gollob flew with this a/c 12-2-1945 achieving a speed of 404 mph (650km/u). On 25-2-1945 it was lost due to instability around the lateral axis. Flugbaumeister Full was killed after bail out (700ft) with his parachute on fire. Aircraft crashed near Schwechat-Heidfeld.
200004 A-0 VI+ID/M4 (V4) – A-1 prototype. Ready build Languste/Vienna 29-12-1944, delivered 4-1-1945, f/f 16-1-1945 with Dipl. Ing Schuck. Used for stability testing with strengthened fuselage, enlarged tail section.The 10th flight was made 22-1-1945 with in total 174 minutes clocked, however it was damaged when it hit a mound of snow during landing. it was repaired again after 2 days. Later it got downward canted wingtips modification and was ready for testing again on 1-2-1945. On 8-2-1945 it was severely damaged (40%) when Fl.BM Full had to make a force landing off Schwechat following an engine failure while flying at 8000 m at 800 kmh performing stability and dive tests. Aircraft was an A-2 version with strengthened wings and downward pointing wingtips. It is unknown if it ever flew again.
200005 A-0 VI+IE/M5 (V5) – Factory ready 24-12-1944 and delivered on 28-12-1944.This aircraft never flew. It was only used for vibration tests. There were no weapons fitted.
200006 A-0 VI+IF/M6 (V6) – Flight ready Vienna-Languste 17-1-1945, delivered to Heidfeld 18-1-1945. F/f 23-1-1945 at Schwechat-Heidfeld. This was the prototype for the later A-2 version and carried two MK108 cannons. Testing stability, rudder and weapons functioning. It was written off 4-2-1945 on its 11th flight when it dived into the ground due to a very likely jammed rudder. Oblt. George Weydemeyer was killed.
200007 A-0 VI+IG/M7 (V7) – Delivery from Vienna-Languste to Heidfeld and also made its f/f on 24-1-1945. It was the first A-2 version aircraft with two MG151s cannons. Brake chute testing at Schwechat-Heidfeld in 2-1945, Last noted (Schwechat-Heidfeld) on 11-3-1945.
200008 A-0 VI+IH/M8 (V8)- F/f 2-1945 at Schwechat-Heidfeld. Meant as a general flight test aircraft. Written off on 12-3-1945 after a crash landing after engine stall at 328ft (100m) due to fuel starvation. Pilot Fw. Wunke of 2/JG1 escaped safely.
200009 A-0 VI+II/M9 (V9) – F/f 2-1945 at Schwechat-Heidfeld. Meant as a general flight test aircraft. No more details known.
200010 A-0 VI+IJ/M10 (V10) – F/f 2-1945 at Schwechat-Heidfeld. Meant as a general flight test aircraft. No more details known.
220001 A-2 VI+IK/M18 “A-01” – Build at Hinterbruhl-Languste as A-2 version prototype, Delivered to Heidfeld on 10-1-1945 . After fixing more than 50 errors it made its f/f 24-1-1945. Selected for testing takeoff/landing characteristics, radio system and the ejection seat system. Later used for testing the MG151 cannons and a new engine BMW003E1.
220002 A-2 VI+IL/M19 “A-02” – Declared flight ready at Languste on 16-1-1945, F/f 28-1-1945. It was intended to test the stability of the ailerons at high altitude. Airframe quality problems in 2-1945, it was not able to reach speeds above 298 mph (480km/u) due to poor stability and shape. Early February it was modified with improvements to fix the stability problems. Later on it was also planned to be fitted with V-shaped tail in 3-1945. It went into flames and written off 14-3-1945 when Uffz. Tautz (2./JG1) failed his landing.
220003 A-2 VI+IM/M20 “A-03” – Flight ready Vienna-Languste 18-1-1945. It was damaged when during landing after testflight on 22-1-1945, the port wing collapsed on landing. F/f after repair 10-2-1945. It was used for various rudder tests, testing its flight performance and centre of gravity. It was likely one of the 10 aircraft flown out from Vienna-Schwechat to Lechfeld/Munich (escape) 31-3-1945. In 5-1945 US forces found this wreckage at Flugplatz Munchen Riem. Note: Aircraft never carried assigned markings “VI+IM”.
220004 A-2 VI+IN/M21 “A-04” – It was delivered from Vienna-Languste to Heidfeld-Schwechat for flight testing on 21-1-1945. The intention was to use it for testing the MG151 weapons. It suffered 20% damage during an accident 7-3-1945. It looks to have been repaired to continue testing.
220005 A-2 VI+IO/M22 “A-05” – Delivered as an A-2 version to Heidfeld on 24-1-1945. F/f 22-2-1945. It was used to test redesigned wing root fillets. Suffered 15% damage during testlfight incident on 4-3-1945 with Fw. Denzin.
220006 A-2 VI+IP/M23 “A-06” – Delivered from Vienna-Languste to Heidfeld on 24-1-1945. F/f  2-1945. It was used for general handling tests with redesigned wing root fillets. Last weeks it was used for testing at Lechfeld. It was found as wreckage by US troops at Munchen-Riem, could be due to accident or damaged by Germans when they left it behind. Offered for sale on an auction at auctionhouse Andreas Thies e.K. at Nürtingen on 2-2-2013. Build up from the old found robbed M23 (dumped by the Allied forces in 1945) together with other original parts and some replica parts to get the model complete again. It was for sale targeted at 170000 euro but not sold. It is unknown where it is now.
220007 A-2 VI+IQ/M24 “A-07” – F/f  2-1945, This a/c was used for general handling testing. Last noted 11-3-1945 at Heidfeld.
220008 A-2 VI+IR/M25 “A-08” – F/f  17-2-1945 at Heidfeld by FlBm Gleuwitz, It had a lengthened fuselage. Crashed 2-3-1945 after encountering fuel-starvation (known error*). Pilot Gerd Pawolka parachuted to safety. *Note: Investigation showed that negative G-forces (in violent turns or during acceleration) forced fuel to the top of the tanks and away from the pumps. This caused airlocks and prevented the engine from being restarted.
220009 A-2 VI+IS/M26 “A-09” – Delivered from production line Vienna-Languste on 30-1-1945. F/f  17-2-1945 at Heidfeld, It had a lengthened fuselage (just as 220008). Used for various testing including the ejection seat system. On 12-3-1945 it was damaged during a landing but could be repaired (flown by Fw. Gleuwitz). It was last noted when it flew from Schwechat to Munich via a fuel stop at Langenlebarn on 31-3-1945.
220010 A-2 VI+IT/M27 “A-010” – F/f  2-1945, It was in principle a reserve aircraft for testing. Last noted 11-3-1945 at Heidfeld.
220011 A-2 VI+IU/M28 “A-011” – F/f  18-2-1945 at Heidfeld, It was in principle a reserve aircraft for testing. Also with extended and strengthened fuselage + MK108 cannons.
220012 A-2 VI+IV/M29 “A-012” – F/f  18-2-1945 at Heidfeld, It was a reserve aircraft for testing the weapons,. Also with extended and strengthened fuselage + MK108 cannons. Last noted  3-1945 at Heidfeld.
220013 A-2 VI+IW/M30 “A-013” – F/f 24-2-1945. This aircraft was used to test the Adler gun sight. (EZ42 gyroscopic gun sight)
220014 A-2 VI+IX/M31 “A-014” – Completed to flight ready at Vienna-Languste 8-2-1945. Reserve pre-production test aircraft (testing gyroscopic gunsight). It was destroyed in an Allied attack on Vienna 13-2-1945, before delivery.
220015 A-2 VI+IY/M32 “A-015” – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose and fate.
220016 A-2 VI+IZ/M33 “A-016” – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose and fate.
220017 A-2 E2+51/M11 “A-017” – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype with a JUMO 004B engine around 3-1945. It was seen together with the 220018/M12 at Theresienfeld (Rostock) on 11-3-1945. There it was also destroyed due to Allied bombing in 4-1945. It actually never flew.
220018 A-2 WA+??/M12 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype with a JUMO 004B engine around 3-1945. It was seen together with the 220017/M11 at Theresienfeld (Rostock) on 11-3-1945. There it was also destroyed due to Allied bombing in 4-1945. It actually never flew.
220019 A-2 M16 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as a 2-seater prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about fate.
220020 A-2 M17 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as a 2-seater prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about fate.
220021 A-2 M? – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose and fate.
220022 A-2 E3+51/M34 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945. It was last noted when it crashed 31-3-1945 during its flight from Langenlebarn to Munich-Riem near Linz/Mittelkirchen (EK-162) and was declared written off. Pilot should have been safe but name unknown.
220023 A-2 M35 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose and fate.
220024 A-2 M36 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose and fate.
220025 A-2 M37 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose. Last seen at Theresienfeld nr Rostock, on 11-3-1945.
220026 A-2 M38 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose and fate.
220027 A-2 M39 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose and fate.
220028 A-2 M40 – Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype around 3-1945 but no more information known about purpose and fate.
220029 A-2 M41 – It was used as a replacement for the M25 220008 with a lengthened fuselage. Captured by British at Tulln, 30km NW of Vienna.
220030 A-2 M42 – First flight end of 3-1945 at Bad Gandersheim. Delivered from the Heinkel Hinterbruhl production line as prototype / developed with two V-1 pulse jet engines.
220031/100 A-2 Manufacture but not delivered / for example 220092 and 220100 were seen in storage at flugplatz Langenlebarn (Austria near Tulln) in April 1945. The aircraft were not operationally ready yet, and so not yet delivered.
120001 A-2 Rostock Marienehe production line flight ready and delivered 14-1-1945. First flight this day.
120002 A-2 Rostock Marienehe production line ready16-1-1945, awaiting tail. First flight 22-1-1945.
120003 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line on 23-1-1945. Fate unknown.
120004 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120005 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120006 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120007 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120008 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120009 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. On 4-2-1945 flown both by FlgKpts Heinrich and Sulzbacher. Later that month is was transported by rail to the Lufthansa facility at Oranienburg. Fate unknown.
120010 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120011 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120012 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120013 A-2 JG1 in 4-1945. Departed on 4-4-1945 at 17:45h by Lt Schmitt from Ludwigsluft to Parchim (30km distance), arriving 17:55h. Nothing more known about this aircraft.
120014 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120015 A-2 4./JG1 “Weisse 21” in Ludwigslust 4-1945. Captured by British troops at Leck 15-5-1945. Transferred to the French government in 2-1946. It was decided to use it for flight testing and it got code “FAF 3”. It was painted in a single colour of grey/beige and “nr. 2” was applied. Testing started with first flight in 04-1947 at Orléans-Bricy and after a few flights the test program continued at Mont de Marsan (CEAM). It was flown for most of the tests totaling nearly 14 hours on a total amount of 18 hours of flight tests. It continued until 23-7-1948 when test aircraft “FAF 1” fatally crashed. The testprogram was terminated and this aircraft 120093 became instructional airframe at the Rochefort-Sur- Mer Air Force mechanics school. It was then repainted “bordeaux-red” and set to the Musée de l’Air at de l’Espace near Paris in 8-1952. Before 1975 it became green when it arrived at Le Bourget (Hall B). During restoration the tail from 120223 was found on the aircraft and layout was changed to “120223” and later also “Gelbe 1” was applied. The hall was closed around 2000 and the aircraft was restored. Fuselage id 120015 was identified and so the aircraft got back serial 120015, lateron added with “Gelbe-21”. Mid 2010 the aircraft was transferred to the Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace near Paris. In 2014 fully restored with functioning undercarriage still preserved as III./JG7 “Gelbe 21” as today.
120016 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120017 A-2 3./JG1 “Gelbe 6” in 4-1945. Captured by British on 8-5-1945 and later on transferred to the USA (Watson team) as “FE-494/T2-494” via Meresburg, Kassel, Cherbourg and by Liberty ship SS Richard J. Gatling, arriving at the military Ocean Terminal, Bayonne, New Yersey  (12-7-1945). Taken apart for examination of aircraft structure and used for spare parts for “120077 / FE-489”. Seen at Edwards Air Force Base in April/May 1946 and later stored at Freeman Field on 1-8-1946. This aircraft was scrapped at Park Ridge, Pennsylvania in 1950. Remains/fuselage was scrapped at Park Ridge storage center in 1950. Some parts later seen at Smithsonian Institute, Washington USA in the nineteens.
120018 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120019 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120020 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120021 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120022 A-2 1./JG1 “Weisse 7” in 4-1945. After capturing in 5-1945 it went to the USA for examination as “FE-493/T2-493”.
120023 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120024 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120025 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120026 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120027 A-2 1./JG1 “Weisse 1” in 4-1945. Lt. Rudolf Schmitt claimed he shot down a Hawker Tempest or Typhoon fighter with his “Weisse 1” above Rostock. It was captured at Leck by British troops in 5-1945, wearing a red arrow on its nose.
120028 A-2 1./JG1 “Weisse 3” in 4-1945.This aircraft made a wheels up landing during a training flight and was declared written off. It was found by Allied troops in 5-1945.
120029 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120030 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120031 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120032 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120033 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120034 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120035 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120036 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120037 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120038 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120039 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120040 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120041 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120042 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120043 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120044 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120045 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120046 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120047 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120048 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120049 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120050 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120051 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120052 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120053 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120054 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120055 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120056 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120057 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120058 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120059 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120060 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120061 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120062 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120063 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120064 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120065 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120066 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120067 A-2 1./JG1 “Weisse 4” in 4-1945. Captured by British at Leck in 5-1945. Seen at Kassel where it was dismantled to provide parts of other aircraft. Fate of the left aircraft at Kassel is unknown but most likely scrapped soon after it was dumped.
120068 A-2 On 8-4-1945 it departed from Rostock Marienehe at 15:00h with Lt Schmitt from JG1 to Ludwigsluft (80km distance) and arrived 15:30h. No fate of the aircraft known.
120069 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120070 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120071 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120072 A-2 3./JG1 “Gelbe 3” in Ludwigslust 4-1945. It was captured at Leck by British troops in 5-1945 and transferred to the UK as “AM61”. Seen at Farnborough being tested in the Fall of 1945. On 9-11-1945 Pilot Flt.Lt. Robert A. Marks was tragically killed while attempting a high speed roll at low altitude during last day airshow at Farnborough. It crashed at Aldershot while being demonstrated to personnel of the Staff College, Camberley. During a slow roll the aircraft yawed violently and then stalled. One of the two fin and rudder assemblies broke away. The Heinkel then dived steeply and a pull out was attempted, but the tail plane broke off and the aircraft crashed. The pilot, Flt. Robert Alan Marks, a test pilot from Farnborough, was killed as well as a Canadian soldier on the ground. Prior demonstration the aircraft had logged 50 minutes airtime (4 test flights).
120073 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120074 A-2 3./JG1 “Gelbe 11” in 4-1945. Flown by Oblt. Emil Demuth (commander of the III/JG1) at Leck with red-white-black nose and 16 personal victory crosses. It was captured at Leck by British troops in 5-1945 (as “Gelbe 11” and white small “20”) and transferred to the UK as “AM60”. On 14-8-1946 it was struck off charge with 6 M.U. Brize Norton.
120075 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120076 A-2 3./JG1 “Gelbe 4” in 4-1945. Captured by British troops and transferred to UK as “AM59” and later on “VHS23”. Arrived at Farnborough by road transport on 15-6-1945. F/f 29-6-1945 at Farnborough. Also testflown on 5-7-1945, 6-7-1945, 23-7-1945 (2x) and last test flight on 2-8-1945. It went in storage. On 19-6-1946 handed over to No.47 MU. Sealand, for dispatch to Canada. It left Salford Docks for Canada by SS Manchester Commerce on 26-8-1945 and arriving in Montreal 9-9-1946. After refurbishing it was on display Canadian Aviation Museum, Ottawa Ontario from 1964 till 1975 as “Gelbe 4”. In 12-2006 exchanged for a Bristol fighter and moved to Aero Vintage UK. In 2017 found on display in Deutsches Technik museum Berlin.. (rough condition). Investigation if aircraft can be made airworthy again. Last noted still in rough condition in May 2023.
120077 A-2 1./JG1 “Weisse 2” after delivery in 4-1945, later after overhaul became 2./JG1 “Rote 1” late 4-1945 flown by Lt. Gerhard Hanf. Captured by British at Leck on 4-5-1945 and transferred to the USA for investigation with red arrow and “Nervenklau” markings. It became “FE-489/T2-489” via Meresburg, Kassel, Cherbourg and by Liberty ship SS Richard J. Gatling, arriving at the military Ocean Terminal, Bayonne, New Yersey  (12-7-1945). Tested at Edwards till 24-7-1946 when testing continued from Muroc. Seen displayed at Freeman Field and later to be displayed at the Ontario Airfield Air Museum, California, USA (till 1970). After phase out it moved to University of Kansas (1947), private owners Eddie Fisher (Kansas) in 1948, R.E. Ellis (Kansas) 1948 and Ed Malony (Claremont) in 1958 as part of the Planes of Fame museum. This moved to Ontario (CA) in 1965, and then to Chino in 1974. It went into the museum storage in 1990 and was offered for sale in 1999 but stayed with the museum, currently located at Valle Apt. Still on display (last noted March 2023).
120078 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120079 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120080 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120081 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120082 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120083 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120084 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120085 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120086 A-2 3./JG1 “Gelbe 2” in 4-1945. Captured by British at Leck in 5-1945 and transferred to UK as “AM62”. Arrived at Farnborough by road transport in 8-1945. Seen on display in Hyde Park (short time) before it was handed over to No.47 MU. Sealand, for dispatch to Canada. It left Salford Docks for Canada by SS Manchester Commerce on 26-8-1945 and arriving in Montreal 9-9-1946. To Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Ottawa, Ontario, and seen in storage with original factory paint but altered markings in 1990. Later it was assembled, and as of 1- 2012 on display. Currently on display still in rough state. Last noted in November 2021.
120087 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120088 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120089 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120090 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120091 A-2 Captured by British at Leck in 5-1945 and transferred to UK as “AM66”. It was taken apart for insight studies. Later in 1945 it was on display at the science museum in London showing the internal structure. Later possibly scrapped at South Cerney, England.
120092 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120093 A-2 1./JG1 “Weisse 2” in 4-1945. Captured by British at Leck on 15-5-1945 and transferred to the French government in 2-1946. It was decided to use it for flight testing and it got code “FAF 3”. Testing started with first flight in 04-1947 at Orléans-Bricy and after a few flights the test program continued at Mont de Marsan (CEAM) until 23-7-1948 when test aircraft “FAF 1” fatally crashed. The test program was terminated and this aircraft 120093 became instructional airframe at Salon de Provence in 1949 where it would eventually be destroyed and scrapped.
120094 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120095 A-2 4./JG1 “Weisse 20” late 4-1945.Captured by British at Leck in 5-1945 and transferred to UK as “AM63”. Seen 1945/46 preserved in the Post War display at Trafalgar Square in London and also in the Civic Centre at Birmingham in 9-1946 on display. In 1947 it was scrapped at Brize Norton.
120096 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120097 A-2 Captured by British at Leck in 5-1945 and transferred to UK as “AM64”. Sadly any squadron markings nor serial known. Arrived at Farnborough by road transport around 8-1945. Used for intensive testing at Farnborough in 9-1945. Scrapped at Farnborough in 12-1946.
120098 A-2 Captured by British at Leck in 5-1945 and transferred to UK as “AM67”. Arrived at Farnborough by road transport around 8-1945 and got serial “VH513”. Used for testing at Farnborough and finally scrapped at Farnborough in 12-1946.
120099 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120100 A-2 Delivered from the Rostock Marienehe production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120221 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line around 2-1945 and transferred to UK as “AM58”. Arrived at Farnborough by road transport around 8-1945 and used for spare-parts. Finally scrapped in 1946.
120222 A-2 1./JG1 “Weisse 7”. Captured by British at Leck in 5-1945 and transferred to US. Became “FE-493/T2-493” via Meresburg, Kassel, Cherbourg and by Liberty ship SS Richard J. Gatling, arriving at the military Ocean Terminal, Bayonne, New Yersey  (12-7-1945). In October 1945 it was seen at the Display celebration victory at the USAAF Air Gforces Fair Wright Field, Dayton (OH). It got the wings from the cannibalized 120067. At Wright Field its tail was fitted on aircraft 120230 in order to get that aircraft fly worthy for testing. Rest of the 120222 was scrapped in 1950.
120223 A-2 3./JG7 “Gelbe 1” in 4-1945. Captured by British troops at Leck 5-1945. Transferred to the French government in 2-1946. It was decided to use it for flight testing and it got code “FAF 1”.  Testing started with first flight in 04-1947 at Orléans-Bricy and after a few flights the test program continued at Mont de Marsan (CEAM) until 23-7-1948 when test aircraft FAF 1 fatally crashed. when Capt. Georges Schlienger tested the aircraft from airbase Mont de Marsan. Sadly he got killed and HE162 test program got terminated.
120224 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120225 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120226 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120227 A-2 2./JG1 “Rote 2” in 4-1945. Captured by British at Leck in 5-1945 and transferred to UK as “AM65”. Arrived at Farnborough by road transport around 31-7-1945 and got serial “VN629”. It never flew in the UK and was seen on the Farnborough scrapyard on 15-12-1946 (stored). Displayed at the Blackpool Air Pageant at Squires Gate airfield, Blackpool, in 7-1947, transferred to the Central Gunnery School, RAF Leconfield in 1949. In 1953 seen at RAF Melksham, Wiltshire being assembled. In 8-1971 seen at Chivenor on the static display with markings of JG1. In 1976 fully restored at Colerne for display at RAF St.Athan, Wales. In 1989 transferred to the Royal Air Force Museum London, Hendon, London, UK. Last noted at London-Hendon in April 2022.
120228 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120229 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120230 A-2 Stab./JG1 “Weisse 23” in 4-1945 flown by Oberst Herbert Ihlefeld, Kommodore of JG1. Captured by British at Leck on 8-5-1945 and transferred to the US via Meresburg, Kassel, Cherbourg and by Liberty ship SS Richard J. Gatling, arriving at the military Ocean Terminal, Bayonne, New Yersey  (12-7-1945). At Wright Field it received code “FE-504” and got the tail from aircraft 120222. At Freeman Field it got code “T2-504” on 1-8-1945. Written off some time before 9-1946 when someone accidentally sawed through the outer wing panels at Freeman. Assigned to the Smithsonian Institution in 1949. Storage Park Ridge, Illinois till January 1955. (owned by Smithsonian Inst.) and transported to the Garber Facility at Silver Hill Maryland. In the 90s seen on limited display at the Paul E. Garber Restoration Facility (owned by the Smithsonian Institute Washington). Now preserved inside the National Air and Space Museum, Silver Hill, Maryland.
120231 A-2  1./JG1 “Weisse 6” in 4-1945. Captured by the British at Leck in 5-1945. Unknown if it left Germany afterwards. It had an unpainted forward fuselage.
120232 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120233 A-2 JG1 in 4-1945. Captured by the British at Leck in 5-1945. It went to England after it was found at Leck lying next to the 120230. Unknown code.
120234 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120235 A-1 2./JG1 “Rote 6” in 4-1945. Captured by British troops at Leck in 5-1945. This a/c’s finish was almost identical to that of 120231 with unpainted front fuselage. Brought over to the UK an assigned “AM68” code for examination but likely never flew. Preserved RAF Cranwell From August 1946 till 1960 when it moved to the Imperial War Museum, South Lambeth. It was restored into “Gelbe 6” from 1986 till 1989 at Duxford and preserved hanging on a ceiling. It can be found now preserved in Hangar 5 of The Imperial War Museum Duxford, UK. Last noted in 2017. Currenlty being restored (since late December 2022) on the location.
120236 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120237 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120238 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120239 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
120240 A-2 Delivered from the 2nd Rostock production line. Sadly no more details and fate about this aircraft known.
300001 A-1 F/f 25-2-1945 on Bernburg. first Junkers built aircraft. It was ferried to the Heinkel South at Vienna Schwechat on 26-2-1945 for examination.
300002 A-1 Was found, damaged, ready for painting at Junkers factory between Strassfurt and Bernbrug by US troops. Identified as A-1 version and carried manufacturer code “27”.
300019/27 A-1 Manufactured at Junckers factory in Bernberg, but not yet (painted and) delivered. For example 300027 “27” was captured by US troops at Bernberg late 4-1945.
310001 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg in 2-1945. F/f 15-2-1945 (20min) by Fl Kpt Hermann Steckhan at Bernburg. Acceptance flight on 28-3-1945 (by FlKpt Steckhan) failed due to engine vibration issues which needed to be fixed.
310002 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg in 2-1945. F/f 21-2-1945 (10min) by Fl Kpt Hermann Steckhan at Bernburg. Fate unknown.
310003 A-1 3./JG1 “Gelbe 5” in 4-1945. Captured by the British Forces on 15-5-1945. In 2-1946 transferred by British to the French government.
310004 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310005 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310006 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310007 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310008 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310009 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310010 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310011 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. Written off after a crash landing at Leck on 6-5-1945, the final operational Luftwaffe HE-162 fliight. Aircraft was broken and did not have squadron code (yet). (see picture on the bottom of this page).
310012 A-1 2./JG1 “Rote 7”. Captured by the British Forces on 15-5-1945. In 2-1946 transferred by British to the French government.
310013 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310014 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310015 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310016 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310017 A-1 Delivered from the Junckers production line at Bernburg. No more details and fate about this aircraft known.
310018 A-1 1./JG1 “Weisse 5” in 4-1945. Last noted on 4-5-1945 with red-arrow painted on nose. It was flown by Staffel kapitan of 1/JG1, Hptm Helmut Kunnecke.

He-162 Accidents and Incidents :

Date Cat Wnr Type Code Unit Pilot(s) Fate Location
10-12-1944 WO 200001 V-1 VI+IA/M1 Heinkel Fl.Kpt Dipl.ing Gotthold Peter K Lechfeld
20-1-1945 I 200004 V-4 VI+ID/M4 EK162 OK Schwechat-Heidfeld
22-1-1945 I 220003 A-2 VI+IM/M20 EK162 OK Schwechat-Heidfeld
4-2-1945 WO 200006 V-6 VI+IF/M6 EK162 Oblt. George Weydemeyer K Schwechat-Heidfeld
8-2-1945 I 200004 V-4 VI+ID/M4 EK162 Flugbaumeister Full OK Schwechat-Heidfeld
13-2-1945 WO 220014 A-2 VI+IX/M31 EK162 NI Vienna
25-2-1945 WO 200003 V-3 VI+IC/M3 EK162 Flugbaumeister Full K Nr. Schwechat-Heidfeld
2-3-1945 WO 220008 A-2 VI+IR/M25 EK162 Gerd Pawolka OK Unknown
4-3-1945 I 220005 A-2 VI+IO/M22 EK162 Fw. Denzin OK Unknown
7-3-1945 I 220004 A-2 VI+IN/M21 EK162 OK Rechlin?
12-3-1945 WO 200008 V-8 VI+IH/M8 2./JG1 Fw. Wunke OK Schwechat-Heidfeld
12-3-1945 I 220009 A-2 VI+IS/M25 EK162 Fw. Gleuwitz OK Unknown
14-3-1945 WO 220002 A-2 VI+IL/M19 2./JG1 Uffz Tautz K Unknown
31-3-1945 WO 220022 A-2 M34 EK162 Nr. Linz/Mitterkirchen (A)
13-4-1945 WO unknown A-2 Weisse-5 1./JG1 Fw. Friedrich Enderle K Nr. Ludwigslust
19-4-1945 WO unknown A-2 Gelbe-2 3./JG1 Fw. Günther Kirchner K Nr. Husum
20-4-1945 WO unknown 1./JG1 Lt. Rudolf Schmidt OK
21-4-1945 WO unknown Fw. Erwin Steeb OK
24-4-1945 WO unknown 4./JG1 Hptm. Paul-Heinrich Dähne K Nr. Warnemünde
26-4-1945 WO unknown A-2 Uffz Rechenbach
?-8-1945 WO 120230 A-2 T2-504 USAF NI Freeman Field
9-11-1945 WO 120072 A-2 AM61 RAF Flt.lt Robert A. Marks K Farnborough
?-?-1945 WO 120029 A-2 OK Leck?
?-?-1945 WO 220017 A-2 WA+??/M11 EK162 NI Theresienfeld
?-?-1945 WO 220018 A-2 WA+??/M12 EK162 NI Hinterbruhl
23-7-1948 WO 220223 A-2 FAF 2 CEAM Capt. Georges Schlienger K Nr. Mont de Marsan
I = incident, WO = written off
NI = No pilot involved, K = Pilot sadly killed, OK = Pilot survived.

Unit code assignements (as far as known):

1./JG1, 2./JG1, 3./JG1 (I./JG1):
Weisse 1: 120027          Rote 1: 120077        Gelbe 1: 120223
Weisse 2: 120077, 120093  Rote 2: 120227        Gelbe 2: 120086
Weisse 3: unknown         Rote 3: unknown       Gelbe 3: 120072
Weisse 4: 120067          Rote 4: unknown       Gelbe 4: 120076
Weisse 5: 310018          Rote 5: unknown       Gelbe 5: 310003
Weisse 6: 120231          Rote 6: 120235        Gelbe 6: 120017
Weisse 7: 120222          Rote 7: 310012        Gelbe 7: 120228?
Gelbe 11: 120074
Some gaps above are due lost aircraft which never got identified, some were replaced.

4./JG1 (II./JG1):
Weisse 20: 120095, Weisse 21: 120015, Weisse 22: unknown, Weisse 23: 120230.
This unit was just formed and would soon be followed by 5./JG1 and 6./JG1.

Note: This overview is retrieved from my private database. Thanks to all my contacts and many references like books, forums etc. Additions/Corrections are made often to keep the list up-to-date. Any remarks, additions, corrections or questions? Please email me or comment beneath!!

Latest update: 26-6-2023  

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